Top 10 Things People Want Before a Snow Storm

Top 10 Things People Want Before a Snow Storm

We all know that there are essential NEEDS before a snow storm, but what are the essential WANTS?

When it comes to stocking up before a snow storm, what do we want most?

“Survey says!” these are the top 10 things people want before a snow storm:

1. Drinks

All the drinks. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic, gotta stay hydrated while warm while maybe indulging a bit. Wine. Hot Chocolate. Liquor. Herbal Tea. Pop. Apple Cider. Milk. Annnd water.

2. Snacks

It doesn’t matter if you already have groceries for the week, new, special snacks are needed. Also, for parents that may have kids home from school or daycare it’s just math. You need more snacks than a usual week when they’re not home as much.

3. Fire Essentials

If you’re in the path of a winter storm hopefully you have a fireplace and candles to use in the event of a power outage for heat and light, BUT also for fun and ambiance. You need dry wood, Duraflame logs, propane, scented candles, matches, lighters. Maybe some skewers for s’mores?

4. Activities

Whether it’s a good book or a new show to binge, it’s nice to have something to hopefully relax and enjoy from the warmth of your couch. If you’ve got kids, anything and everything to keep them busy is a must: sleds, toys, crafts, games, movies.

5. Phone Charged

Obviously this one goes without saying, you want your phone at the ready, and any other devices. Nowadays it’s both safety and entertainment. Enough said.

6. Wi-Fi Hot Spot

So the devices are charged, but then your Internet goes out…let’s get those Wi-Fi Hot Spots happening! Because, of course safety, but also entertainment and sanity.

7. (Clean) Cozy Clothes

I mean no one wants to be doing laundry during a storm and you want to be warm and cozy. Be prepared and get those cozies washed and ready to lounge. But also, good to make sure everyone has clean undies before potential power outage.

8. Power

All this talk about possibly losing power, of course you want the power to stay on!!

9. No Work

If there’s no school, who wants to work? Wouldn’t it be great if work was canceled too? You can close your eyes and make a wish. No one send any emails. Everyone think, “all is calm, all is bright.”

10. A Hug…or Weighted Blanket

Storms can be scary and anxiety inducing and isolating. A hug is always a good idea and weighted blankets can help give some of the same warm and fuzzy feelings when needed too.

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