My Motherhood Story: Baby #2

My Motherhood Story: Baby #2

I was 9 month pregnant, the week of my due date, with baby number two. I was working from home.

I had just picked our newly 2 year old up from morning daycare when my contractions began.

My husband came home for lunch.

We all ate and prepped our two year old (as much as anyone can) for the possibility that his aunt would be there when he woke up from his nap, not me.

I took him up for nap time.

My husband went back to work.

I proceed to email my colleagues saying I may need to sign off soon, that I thought I was likely in labor.

I tried to hold off texting both my sister and my husband to leave work as long as possible. All the while, pacing and bouncing on an exercise ball as my contractions continued closer together, longer.

After 2 hours my sister came to stay with our son and my husband came home to take me to the hospital.

No epidural. Fast and intense labor. I couldn’t believe the experience.

Within an hour of getting to the hospital, our daughter was born. A week early and 4 hours of labor later, she made her arrival.


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