
When I talk about what fuels my mind, I don’t just mean intellectually but more so what helps my mental health. It may be something that helps calm feelings of anxiety or being overwhelmed managing stress. It may be an escape. It may be something that stimulates your brain and intrigues you, makes you think in the best way to continue growing and evolving.

The Female Vote

The Female Vote

This past week there have been countless articles about the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which...

Mid Eastern Reading Recommends

[Never Claimed To Be A Photographer] Multiple people have recommended that I read the New York Times Best Seller “Three...

Teen Carrie Love!

Before we get to the really exciting stuff, I want to recommend “Happiness Sold Separately” by Lolly Winston. Great book...

“The Help” and More

I know it’s been awhile but I’ve been busy. First and foremost I have a huge recommendation for Kathryn Stockett‘s...