Favorite Valentine’s Books for Kids

Favorite Valentine’s Books for Kids

We love to celebrate love! All kinds of love: family love, friend love and romantic love. Here are a few of our favorite books about love for Valentine’s Day.

The Story of Valentine’s Day by Nancy J. Skarmeds

This is a cute one about the actual holiday of Valentine’s Day. I’m a sucker for these type of books for little ones. This one is said to be out of print but check your local second hand book store if able. You never know what you may find!

Snuggle Puppy by Sandra Boyton

Sandra Boyton books are great for little ones. This one has a cute and catchy rhythm to it with the “snuggle puppy” song. It’s easy to remember and fun to sing to little ones even without the book.

The Berstein Bears Love One Another by Mike Bernstein

This story with the Bear family illustrates great examples of how we can show love to others through small every day activities, like making muffins or helping with a younger sibling. Bernstein also references The Bible verse “love one another” as Mama Bear is teaching her cubs.


Love the Word by Todd Parr

I love Todd Parr books. The simple language holds deep meaning and the colorful illustrations help teach kids to love themselves and one another. The book teaches to love not in spite of our differences, but because of them.



Always More Love by Erin Guendelsberger

This is a cute and colorful one about how love can be endless and come in all different forms.


The Invisible String by Patricia Karst

This is a sweet one about love and connections: the idea that even though you cannot see it (or someone), the love is still there. We are always connected, never alone. This book has also been widely revered as a good one for helping kids to begin to understand and cope with separation and loss.

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