Children’s Books For Your Easter Baskets

Children’s Books For Your Easter Baskets

I always love to include (at least) one book in my kids’ Easter baskets. While you know I like to make sure the little ones have a book introducing the holiday, learn to read/easy readers and chapter books are great to slide in the baskets as well. I’m also not opposed to a special picture book. We always hide our baskets for the kids to find so, ideally, I like books that will fit inside the basket. (Ours are not big, intentionally.)

This year I did get three picture books from a series (one for each kid but to share.) I know they won’t fit so I plan to prop them against the fireplace. If it doesn’t fit, no big deal; you make the rules. Prop it somewhere or you can even make a special bunny trail of eggs for the kids to follow and find the books. Keep them entertained and delay that candy as long as possible, ha!

Keep it simple and see suggestions below with links to shop!

Books About Easter


For Infants/Toddlers

Board Books


For Early Elementary Kids


For Late Elementary Kids

Chapter Books


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