Marriage Is For Kids


You don’t have to be married to appreciate this post! However, if you are in fact married then I know you will identify and will most certainly be guilty of at least a few of these lucky 13 reasons husbands and wives are like children (had to be fair and do wives too.)


Husbands Are Like Kids Because…

  1. They leave pop cans and cups all around the house.
  2. They leave dirty clothes on the floor.
  3. They have trouble putting away their clean laundry/don’t do it.
  4. They pretend they don’t know how to do something or can’t do it well in order to get out of it.
  5. They play video games.
  6. They leave things turned on or open – clear path of where they’ve been.
  7. They don’t say anything or genuinely don’t think anything’s wrong when you’re upset with them.
  8. They forget that their plans affect others.
  9. They like to tickle and chase you around the house.
  10. They love to play outside.
  11. They see things more simply in black and white.
  12. They like you to pick out their clothes.
  13. They love you unconditionally.

Wives Can Be Like Kids Too Because…

  1. They pout or whine when they don’t get their way.
  2. They like sparkly things.
  3. They need reminded that money doesn’t grow on trees.
  4. They are picky eaters.
  5. They can cry easily.
  6. They get the giggles and can’t stop.
  7. They do silly or goofy things that they think are cute but are annoying.
  8. They do bad or stupid things to get attention.
  9. They tell long stories, talk in circles and don’t make sense.
  10. They aren’t always good at sharing.
  11. They think the rules don’t apply to them.
  12. They just want to make you happy.
  13. They love you unconditionally.

Disclaimer: The following is not based on any husbands or wives in particular.

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