Mom’s Tortellini Soup Recipe

Mom’s Tortellini Soup Recipe
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The only soup I typically make is in the microwave. BUT this week I stepped my game up and made my mom’s Tortellini Soup from a recipe, on the stove. She has made it for us countless times over the years, including when our babies were born. This is such a delicious one, perfect for cold days, and easy to make a lot for the whole family. Plus leftovers.

First up, I had to get the recipe. Since we seem to have it every year with her, it’s one of those I’ve never made myself.

Then I had to ask questions about the recipe. My mom, bless her heart, did not have very specific amounts for everything. Probably because she could make it in her sleep and has tailored over time, but I had no idea what size can or package, how many ounces of this or that. We weren’t sure on the exact amount of broth, which I get now, just that we needed A LOT. Also that it’s good to have extra on hand and to judge as you go. So, I overbought all the ingredients, unsure of the exact ratios I’d want, if I may end up wanting to double the recipe, etc.

End result: great success! And she wasn’t kidding, a whole shit ton of broth. My crew decided we’d even like more next time as we had to add water to our leftovers haha. I’m taking that into account in the recipe I’m sharing below.


Tortellini Soup

A comforting blend of cheese tortellini, sausage, spinach, and tomato.
Prep Time10 mins
Active Time1 hr
Course: Main Course
Keyword: soup
Yield: 20 servings


  • 1 lb ground sausage
  • 2 - 48 oz chicken broth
  • 14.5 oz Italian diced tomatos
  • 12 oz frozen chopped spinach
  • 16 - 24 oz cheese tortellini
  • 1 tbsp minced garlic
  • 16 oz shredded parmesean cheese


  • Brown sausage with minced garlic in a large pot.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Bring mixture to a boil.
  • Reduce temperature and simmer for 45 minutes.
  • Add tortellini to soup and cook per instructions on package (ie. 10 minutes).
  • When tortellini is done to preference, keep heat on low. Ready to serve!
  • Add shredded Parmesan cheese to individual bowls when serving.

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