If you don’t already have a home gym, now is the time to be on the look out for basic equipment to build one. Don’t feel like you ‘need’ anything enough to buy for yourself? Put items on your holiday list or add a piece here and there over time. Even if you belong to a gym, it’s good to have options to easily squeeze in an at-home workout. It’s also good to be prepared should you find yourself unable to go to the gym for one reason or another (ahem, COVID.)
It’s nice if you’re able to dedicate a large space in your home but you don’t need to. These basic items are extremely versatile and mobile. You can do anything from cardio to strength training to Pilates. And you can do them anywhere from your basement to your family room, garage, or backyard.
Here’s what you should be on the lookout for in upcoming sales!
Yoga Mat

These are easy to find from big box stores to sporting goods stores. Your local drug store might even have one. Great for yoga, Pilates, abs, stretching, and more. Shop here.
Resistance Bands/Tubes

Either you’re familiar with these or you’re not but you can find at your big box stores too! There are flat bands, resistance tubes with handles and round tubes. It’s good to get a set of the flat/loops or get a long tube band with handles. Shop here.
Free Weights/Dumbbells

Whether you’ve never lifted before or are a pro, it’s good to have a variety – from 3 to 5 pounds up as high as you can go! There are lots of exercises that you’ll burn out after a minute (or less!) of continuous reps with a very low weight. Shop here.

I would also recommend adjustable weights. These are great for higher weights and are helpful if sharing with a partner who may be a little bigger and stronger. Shop here.
While these are easily known for weighted squats, there is so much more you can do with them – upper body, lower body and abs! Shop here.
Medicine Ball

I personally like these for squats and abs but again, plenty of other exercises you can do. Also a variety of sizes/weights. Shop here.
Bonus: Floorguard or Mat

If you have the room to dedicate to exercise equipment, and aren’t just hiding it under your bed or behind your couch, get some sort of mat or floor guard. They help protect from the weighted equipment and help to physically and mentally set-aside the space. Great for HIIT workouts too! Shop here.
Bonus: Workout/Weight Bench

If you have the space and plan to lift, this is a worthwhile investment! You can do body weight dips, lunges, abs, etc. off of them as well. Shop here for the one I have. It’s easy to adjust and move around.
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