If I had to pick a favorite exercise, squats would be a top contender. Not only are squats a great leg and glutes workout, they also engage your core and help with balance. Squats are a classic, and effective, workout you can do anywhere. Literally. They get your muscles warm quickly and there’s so many variations!
- Classic squat with feet shoulder width apart, pointing forward.
- Wide leg squat, feet still pointing forward.
- Sumo or plié squat, feet wide, pointing outward.
- Pistol squat (one leg), probably my least favorite of these.
- You can squat with free weights, a kettle bell, and a bar bell – all recommended.
- You can squat with resistance bands.
- You can, and should, squat while snuggling or soothing a baby.
- You can squat while wrangling a toddler.
Squats were the first exercise I did after each of my three kids and one that truly helped me. On days it seemed impossible, or just wasn’t a priority, to do a full workout, squats were there. When one of them just wanted held by mama, squats were there. (I don’t recommend holding anyone over age 3 though.)
Squats are an easy thing to just do quickly or at intervals throughout your day. As long as you’re already wearing leggings, you’re good to go.
As I said, you can do squats literally anywhere. No imagination? Here’s a lovely list of all the places you can get your squat on.
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