For the Love of Squats

For the Love of Squats

If I had to pick a favorite exercise, squats would be a top contender. Not only are squats a great leg and glutes workout, they also engage your core and help with balance. Squats are a classic, and effective, workout you can do anywhere. Literally. They get your muscles warm quickly and there’s so many variations!


  • Classic squat with feet shoulder width apart, pointing forward.
  • Wide leg squat, feet still pointing forward.
  • Sumo or plié squat, feet wide, pointing outward.
  • Pistol squat (one leg), probably my least favorite of these.
  • You can squat with free weights, a kettle bell, and a bar bell – all recommended.
  • You can squat with resistance bands.
  • You can, and should, squat while snuggling or soothing a baby.
  • You can squat while wrangling a toddler.

Squats were the first exercise I did after each of my three kids and one that truly helped me. On days it seemed impossible, or just wasn’t a priority, to do a full workout, squats were there. When one of them just wanted held by mama, squats were there. (I don’t recommend holding anyone over age 3 though.)

Squats are an easy thing to just do quickly or at intervals throughout your day. As long as you’re already wearing leggings, you’re good to go.


As I said, you can do squats literally anywhere. No imagination? Here’s a lovely list of all the places you can get your squat on.

Squat while you fill your water – my fridge takes forever.
Squat while you watch TV.
Squat while you watch the news – it will help with the stress.
Squat while you wait for your kids to get their shoes on.
Squat at the playground, if you can be so bold.
Squat while your shower warms up.
Squat while you brush your teeth.
Squat while your kids brush their teeth.
Squat in your yard.
Squat while you help your kids with distance learning.
Squat in the bathroom at work.
Squat at your desk.
Squat while you cook on the stove.
Squat while dinner’s in the oven.
Squat while you talk on the phone.
Squat while you text.
Squat while you Zoom?
Squat on a plane. Squat on a train.
Ok the last two, not advised. You get the idea.
For more squat inspiration, and helpful ‘how to’s’, check out “21 Types of Squats Variations” by Women’s Health Magazine and get your squat on.

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