Family Juice Tasting

Family Juice Tasting

Pulp & Press Prize

I was recently lucky to win a giveaway from CbusMamaTribe for an amazing haul of Pulp & Press organic cold pressed juices. When they arrived on my porch a few short days later I was floored. Not only were they packaged in some sort of refrigerated box with ice packs, there were so many of them! I’m talking a legit box full of juices: six flavors, multiple of each flavor. Holy.Moly. It perked my rainy day right up and I immediately knew that I not only wanted to have the whole family try them, but turn it into a fun family taste testing activity. Crazy March Madness Friday night?! Game on. So, that’s what we did!

Myself, husband, and three kids, ranging in ages from 2.5 to 8.5, each tasted and ranked the six flavors.


FlavorMy RankingHusband Ranking8.5 yo Ranking6.5 yo Ranking
Spicy Lemon6666
Rinse & Rebeet5555
Lemon Sherbert1214
Red Monster2341

Our family wasn’t so sure about the ginger, turmeric, and beets, but had fun taste testing. Our toddler was just excited to be included and get to have juice. He said he loved them all initially but when he tried again in the morning, the novelty had worn off and he didn’t care for them as much. While we all had different preferences, I’d say the favorites were: Lemon Sherbert, Hulk, and Red Monster.

Each flavor is made from a mix of fruits and vegetables, an easy way to get a variety of nutrients while on the go or just when you don’t want to have to do the work yourself.

Thank you again to CbusMamaTribe for my winnings! Check out both CbusMamaTribe and Pulp & Press for more information on what they both have to offer.

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