Love for “Heart of the Matter”?

I was incredibly excited to hear about a new release from a favorite author of mine: Emily Giffin. I texted, BBMed, Tweeted and Facebooked about the fact that Ms. Giffin had a new book out, “Heart of the Matter”, that we all needed to promptly acquire and discuss. What do you know? Three of my friends actually ran out and bought a hard cover copy! This of course meant that I didn’t have to put myself on yet another long wait list at The Columbus Metropolitan Library but could borrow it. Clutch. However, about half way through I seriously wanted...

Elizabeth Gilbert Woos Me Again With “Committed”

I was, and still am, a huge fan of the author’s previous book “Eat, Pray, Love” (see note at end) and was beyond excited to hear she had another, follow-up, out on the shelves. I borrowed “Committed” from the library in an effort to save money, ha, and quickly realized I need to own a copy of my own as folding pages and making notes on scrap paper just wasn’t cutting it. Alas, I wait. In the meantime, Elizabeth Gilbert has done it again, won my heart and admiration with her brilliant living and writing. A divorcee who never planned...


Do you hate the paparazzi for invading the lives of public people and celebrities? Or do you love them for the salacious gossip their stalking fuels in the media? In a society obsessed with celebrities, whom haven’t all garnered their fame by talent or achievement, the paparazzi play an intrusively integral role in exposing both real and largely skewed versions of their realities. I recently read “Accidental It Girl” by Libby Street in which the lead, and extremely likable, female character is herself a paparazzi who feels the hate from celebrities and everyday peeps alike. Then, our lady photog gets...

Symbols and Intrigue Galor: Dan Brown!

Have you read any of Dan Brown’s novels?? If you haven’t, you should. Right away. There’s been some controversy surrounding his work in the past but I think regardless of personal religious beliefs, or lack thereof, they are indisputably interesting and SO good! The Da Vinci Cody & Angels and Demons Years ago I read “The Da Vinci Code” and absolutely loved it. The movie was pretty good for what it was, from what I can remember. However, I’ve heard “Angels and Demons” was even better. Sadly I didn’t get around to reading that one before seeing the movie, which...

Marriage Is For Kids

    You don’t have to be married to appreciate this post! However, if you are in fact married then I know you will identify and will most certainly be guilty of at least a few of these lucky 13 reasons husbands and wives are like children (had to be fair and do wives too.)   Husbands Are Like Kids Because… They leave pop cans and cups all around the house. They leave dirty clothes on the floor. They have trouble putting away their clean laundry/don’t do it. They pretend they don’t know how to do something or can’t do...

Nicholas Sparks Books Vs Movies

I’m big fan of Nicholas Sparks books however turning them all into movies…not so sure. While the stories overall are still engaging, entertaining and all that, it’s the old argument of book vs movie. Us readers all know that the majority of the time the movie isn’t true to the book nor is it as good as the book no matter how great the effort (a strong testament to authors I believe.) While some efforts are better than others, a lot of movies created from books end up lacking details and what was originally a beautifully flushed out novel gets...